Tri County Wastewater Systems, LLC, has over 20 years of experience with excellent references. We believe in quality and integrity we offer product warranties and written guarantees to provide our customer with confidence and competitive value. Offering a variety of services and accountability promotes efficiency and value.
Types of systems we service and install include: Conventional Septic Systems, Leaching Chamber Systems, Low Pressure Dosing, Aerobic with Spray or Drip, ET Beds, Lined ET Beds, Soil Substitution, and Pumped Drain Fields, with Pumps, Filters, Alarms, Sprinkler Heads and Drip Tubing in rock or poor soils, Lift Stations, Control Panels, and Commercial Package Plants. Trenching in rock or soil of water lines, electrical, and sewer lines.
If you would like more information about our services or packages we offer regarding utilities like water, electrical, septic, site work, driveways and related excavation services, email us at [email protected] or call us @ (830) 460-8123 and we will be happy to set up an appointment to visit with you in person at your site.